A Mindful boss is only one part of a productive, innovative work environment. Creating a mindful workspace can benefit both employer and employees. Many Americans aren’t satisfied with their jobs.
So what causes job dissatisfaction?
An Accenture global study states factors like underpay, lack of advancement opportunities and feeling trapped contribute to job dissatisfaction. An office also needs Mindful Workspace. According to a PARADE and Yahoo! Finance survey, 60 percent of the 26,000 participants would choose a different career if they could.
Low job satisfaction can cause side effects like stress, poor morale, burnout, reduced health and lack of focus. Fortunately, Dr. Jeff Brantley of Duke Integrative Medicine claims that taking mindful steps can reverse some of these effects like stress and anxiety as well as increase productivity and creativity. Here are some simple tips on how to create a mindful workspace.
10 tips for a Mindful Workspace:
Friendly environment
When the office is peaceful you can look forward to going to work. Avoid the office gossip; it’s hazardous to your emotional health. Spread some office cheer; be mindful and give coworkers encouraging words.
Work with your heart
When you’re passionate about your job it shows. Give your work 110 percent and it can positively affect your career.
Stay positive
Negativity has a way of creeping up on you. Look to the bright side when you make a mistake and learn from the experience.
Challenge yourself
Monotony can cause job dissatisfaction too. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Take on a pet project at work. You’ll grow from the experience and you’ll impress your boss.
Be on time
Rushing to work every day will impact your job performance and your state of mind. Get up early so you can start the day with serenity instead of panic (your boss will be happy too).
Be prepared
Keep that rushed feeling at bay by being prepared and staying organized. Create lists so you can manage your time.
Take a break
Feeling overwhelmed? Take a mental break. Gaze outside your window or focus on a personal object (a picture, pet fish, or sentimental object) to calm you down. Take a five minute electronic break, silencing emails and phones for a bit of meditation.
Go outside
If you’re feeling stressed at work consider taking a quick walk outside to reconnect with nature and re-center yourself.
Stay energized
To keep your energy levels high at work you’ll need to take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising every day.
It’s a simple gesture but it can make a difference. It’s true what they say, when you smile the whole world smiles with you.