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5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins has some of the most amazing advice. She calls it the 5 second rule. She suggests that when you feel a sliver of hesitation you should give yourself 5 seconds to react because if you don’t your brain will stop you from doing anything risky because that’s the way the feedback loops have been designed, to keep us safe. If you want to be safe your whole life you will never be in a position of opportunity. So she encourages you to use this rule and share it with anybody you know because it might just change their life. For example, before you respond to a question that your unsure of, remember the 5 second rule and wait 5 seconds.

How the 5 Second Rule Helps

In The 5 Second Rule, you’ll discover it takes just five seconds to do the following thing:

  • Become confident
  • Break the habit of procrastination and self-doubt
  • Beat fear and uncertainty
  • Stop worrying and feel happier
  • Share your ideas with courage

For more on Mel Robbins, check out her website or YouTube channel. If you want to know even more about the 5 second rule, you can purchase Mel Robbin’s book, The 5 Second Rule, on Amazon. And don’t forget to check out all our Mindful Living Around the World videos.

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