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Belleruth Naparstek Audio Review

Research shows us what a powerful tool guided imagery is in our goal to attain health and wellness. I have done guided imagery for over 20 years and it has been a great source of relaxation, renewal, and healing.

A great app I use is “Belleruth Naparstek- Guided Imagery Audio” and it is available on CDsApple Music, or Google Play.  I met Belleruth  Naparstek over 20 years ago at a seminar where she was teaching guided imagery.Her beautiful, powerful, tender, healing voice and her love of her patients is truly impressive to me..

I have personally been listening to Belleruth guided imagery for over 20 years.  Over the years I have had my clients and patients use them also with incredible results. She has designed these guided imagery sessions for specific illnesses and conditions. They include stress, depression, cancer, grief, anger, fear, betrayal, wellness, hypertension, heart disease and many more conditions.

Need a great gift for someone who is going through a challenge in their life? This app would be perfect – and you don’t even have to wrap it! I regularly listen to Belleruth Naparstek when life is running smoothly and when it is not. She keeps me grounded, provides clarity and healing and as a result. I am a happier person because of it.

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