Stop the Worry Habit
We can worry ourselves sick over everything from our bank account balance to our kids picking up some strange disease or worse yet, strange friends. The reality is more than 90 percent of our worries never happen. It’s when our concerns become constant worry that they can lead to anxiety, depression, and incredible stress in our lives. Are you one of those worriers who runs through hundreds of “what if” scenarios? If so, take note. You can learn to let go and stop worrying.
7 Tips to Stop Worry NOW!
Discover Your Joy
Find three things you love and commit to doing them. Play online games at your favorite destination. Learn to meditate. Go for a run at your favorite park, plan a picnic, see a funny movie or volunteer at a pet shelter. Filling your life with things you love helps increase happiness and reduces stress and worry.
Write Down Your Worries
Look at the worst and best case scenarios to any problem so you can face the reality of your situation and deal with it. Or put your worries away in a worry box. Writing down your worries, getting those worries out of your head, and looking at them is powerful. Discipline your mind. Tell yourself that you will not think about it again. Once a day, open the box and begin to make choices.
See Your Solutions
You’ll see the possible choices or solutions to resolve your problem when you create a plan. Realize you have the ability to turn obstacles into opportunities for success. At home or at work you can take steps to overcoming a crisis.
Bare Your Burdens
Your spouse and your friends need to be aware of what’s going on in your life. Agree to unload your worries to them when it lasts 24 hours or more. Tell them by phone or email. Sharing your worries helps diffuse it and creates healing hormones in the body that begin to calm and heal you.
Listen Clearly
What are you thinking and saying? If it’s negative, stop yourself, and repeat a positive affirmation, such as “I am strong” or “all is well.” Repeat this simple phrase over as you slowly breathe in and out. Studies show stress reduction practices help you worry less.
Be Aware of Blessings
When you begin to worry, stop and smile and be aware of the blessings in your life: a friend, a pet, a job, or your health. Studies tell us daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism, and energy.
Detect Danger & Substitute Serenity
Be aware when worry begins to take over your thoughts and learn your worry triggers. Instead of letting worry run rampant, choose to surround yourself with the sun, the ocean, or whatever is pleasing to you through guided imagery. Practice Pilates, Yoga, tai chi, or chi gong to center yourself and clear your mind of worries. Studies show serenity practices produce a more positive perspective on life.