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Robyn Rosenberger: Empowering Child Superheroes

Today, millions of American children are thriving with serious medical conditions. They’re our superheroes. And fortunately, there is a woman in Seattle named Robyn Rosenberger who is committed to making capes for these young superheroes.

When Robyn Rosenberger started sewing capes she made them for her son, nephew, and dog. But after reading the blog about a young girl named Brenna, who suffers from an extremely rare skin disorder called Harlequin Ichthyosis, Rosenberger felt inspired. She asked Brenna’s mom, Courtney Westlake, if she could send her a cape for Brenna. And that was the beginning of TinySuperheroes.

Homemade TinySuperheroes capes are donated to children suffering from illnesses or overcoming disabilities. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 5.2 percent (or 2.8 million) of American children between the ages of five and 17 have disabilities and thousands of American kids suffer from terminal illnesses. So far TinySuperheroes has helped children who are overcoming medical challenges like cancer, cerebral palsy, chronic lung conditions, epilepsy, and heart disorders.

These capes are given to kids that “exemplify strength and determination as they overcome great adversity.” They’re made with donations and are created by Rosenberger and her volunteers. The capes are a simple gesture, but they truly bring joy to the kids and their parents. Once the children have become accustomed with the cape their pictures are taken and their inspirational stories are posted on the TinySuperheroes blog to help bring hope to others.

On April 15th several children were admitted to the hospital due to injuries from the Boston Marathon bombing. Most of these kids experienced trauma like head wounds, leg fractures, broken femurs, and other injuries. Fortunately, Rosenberger and Zaarly (the company that processes Rosenberger’s orders) are committed to doing their part to help. Rosenberger sent capes to the hospitalized Boston Marathon victims thanks to donations from Zaarly.

Know of a worthy kid that could use a personalized superhero cape?

You can nominate a child through the TinySuperheroes website. All you need is their name, email address, and short blurb you can write yourself about what makes these kids so super. If you rather not nominate a child you can still help. You can sponsor an Extraordinary TinySuperhero by donating money for their cape. It only costs $33.

To learn more about TinySuperheroes click here and to learn more about the capes they donate and the superhero capes they sale click here.

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