This motivational animal video features an adorable baby bear shows why it’s important to never give up. Watch as he tries his absolute best to get to his “momma bear”. After somehow ending up much lower down the steep, snow and ice ground, Baby Bear as refuses to give up.
Watch as he struggles and slides and climbs and falls and slips over and over again as he tries and tries to make it back to his Momma Bear. In the meantime, Momma Bear is doing her best to show the little one the best way to climb out.
This feel-good animal video will tug on your heartstrings, so make sure you don’t miss last part of the video when Baby Bear finally makes it to Momma Bear and they both happily gallop off the slope together. You can tell from both bears movement and body language that they are very happy to be together again.
This is a great example of why it’s important to learn to to never give up. We can all take a lesson in perseverance from this little bear!
If you liked this video, you’ll want to check out our other adorable animal videos!