“All It Takes Is Ten Mindful Minutes” is the title of this motivational video by Andy Puddicombe. Andy is an English author, public speaker and a teacher of meditation and mindfulness.
Listen in this TED Talk as he describes the power of doing absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes. That includes texting, talking and even thinking. Keeping the mind distracted makes it difficult to stay rooted in the present moment and even creates stress. While a lot of time is spent caring for the outward appearance, Puddicombe says the mind needs to be cared for too. If it isn’t given time to “just be,” the consequences could decrease ones quality of life.
Meditation he says is “more about stepping back, sort of seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going, emotions coming and going without judgment, but with a relaxed, focused mind. It offers the opportunity and potential to step back and to get a different perspective”.
He adds that we “can’t change every little thing that happens to us in life, but we can change the way that we experience it. That”s the potential of meditation, of mindfulness.”
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