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Beluga Boat at Churchill River Estuary – LIVECAM

Check out Churchill’s beluga boat cam, which shows the curious and friendly beluga whales that spend their summers in the warm waters of the Churchill River Estuary in Manitoba, Canada. Every summer, approximately 57,000 beluga whales travel from the Arctic to the warmer waters of Manitoba’s Churchill River. The Beluga Boat and it’s amazing live cam stream offer a unique glimpse into the world of the beluga whale. Enjoy this amazing scene and get a whale’s eye view of belugas swimming, eating and nursing their calves.

This a joint venture run by, Polar Bears International and Frontiers North. The boat runs from approximately mid-July to early September, capturing the daily goings-on of the Churchill River beluga whales. View beluga pods from afar, see the weather conditions and river, and listen to the Beluga Boat Captain, who generally provides a running commentary.

Beluga Bits Citizen Science Project

Tune into the beluga boat cam and you can become a citizen scientist! Learn more about Stephen Petersen’s Beluga Bits project and how you can help him learn about the history of the belugas that visit the Churchill River.

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EXPLORE is a multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes. Both educational and inspirational, explore creates a portal into the soul of humanity by championing the selfless acts of others. Learn more at

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