Drive Out the Darkness in Your Life
Welcome to the Most Depressing Week of the Year! Welcome to the most depressing month of the year that began with the most depressing day […]
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is a significant contributor to the overall global burden of disease. It is a driver of mental and physical conditions such as insomnia, GI disorders, pain, fatigue, weight, memory, and anxiety. Depression is often times a vicious cycle and a downward spiral: if you’re depressed, you lack energy and will and motivation, which makes you miss out on more things, which makes you more depressed. You will find information such as specific foods, reference materials, supportive care, exercises, home remedies and other resources to support your journey through depression.
Dr. Hall’s S.E.L.F. Care Program® can reduce your stress and boost your immune system and was created after many years of experience and working with patients and clients. Learn more
Here you will find a list of links to outside organization’s websites that can help you reduce depression. See resources
Welcome to the Most Depressing Week of the Year! Welcome to the most depressing month of the year that began with the most depressing day […]
Depression is a serious health condition that impacts the lives of millions of people. There are currently 19 million Americans with depression. And according to […]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to discuss our mental health practices. Have you had a mental health check-up recently? […]
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month Most Americans visit their doctor every year to have a physical health check-up, but it’s also important to evaluate your […]
Depression is Increasing Globally It’s estimated that 4.4 percent of the world’s population is struggling with depression—that’s over 322 million people. And unfortunately, the rate […]
“Blue Monday” is called the “Most Depressing Day of the Year.” It’s also a global day to call attention the dangers of depression and the […]
New Study Shows Your Mental Health Is As Important As Unhealthy Habits When assessing your health, we physicians are always concerned with the standard issues […]
The holiday season is about giving to others, but don’t forget that being kind to yourself is important for your emotional and physical health. The […]
Low morale around the office can be contagious and dangerous in a work environment. To boost the morale or unhappy workers you’re going to need […]
Having a hard time falling asleep? There could be a number of reasons for your troubled nights. Stimulants (such as smoking and drinking) or family […]