Creating Your Authentic Life-Part 1

“Many people die with their music still in them.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Discover Your SELF! Every person has a purpose or a calling. These questions […]

stress relief massage, healing massage, the gift of relaxation,

The Gift of Relaxation

Research shows massages reduce stress, relax your muscles and give you an immune boost. Researchers measured immune function in healthy adults who received a massage. […]

Be Your Own Cheerleader

Ups and downs are a part of life and it’s during the tough times work troubles, relationship problems, etc.—that we need help the most. Most […]

Savor Your Summer

With all the heat and seasonal events, it’s not uncommon for people to experience summer stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed you can reduce this stress […]

Stress Less in a Minute

Surrender to serenity during this month. It is time to immerse yourself in relaxation. Most of us live stressed out lives. We live as if […]

are you really free, self assessment, find your freedom, our country's birthday, how free are you

How Free Are You, REALLY?

Today’s question: “How free are you, really?” July is the month of our country’s birthday which symbolizes freedom. The Secret of Happiness is Freedom Take […]

Freedom is the Oxygen of the Soul

Do Your Freedom Check Up Moshe Dayan’s quote, “Freedom is the oxygen of the soul,” reveals the essential nature of freedom in our lives. July […]

Creating Your Personal Home Altar

We live in a very busy world that sometimes feels devoid of meaning or a sense of the sacred spirituality. Altars help you remember what is […]