strawberry, strawberry roses, valentine's day, strawberries

Growing Strawberries Organically!

Strawberries are easy to grow in containers providing a few simple growing steps are followed. In this article, I’ll provide some basic tips for growing […]

Container Gardening is a Cinch

Flower and plant containers can dress up the look of your house. They add curb appeal and can even be used to grow herbs, edible […]

Why Are Rain Gardens Important?

With all the rain and flooding we have been receiving in our area of late, it may be a good idea to consider building a […]

spring cleaning tips, personal spring cleaning, emotional spring cleaning

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Indoor Pests

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that this is the 4th warmest winter ever recorded in the United States. Due to this unusual weather, […]

Earth Day Projects, Mindful Gardening,

3 Earth Day Projects

Today is Earth Day and this year, with the worries about climate change, there is so much we must do to help the environment. Now […]

Build Your Own Indoor Cat Garden

If you’ve ever had a house cat stare longingly out of a window, you’ve probably thought about letting them go outside. The fresh air, sunshine, […]

Gardening on the Go- Mobile Gardens

Most mobile gardens allow you to reposition your well-crafted greenery around your garden or home. Planted wheelbarrows and repurposed shopping carts are just a few […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Gardening, Mindful Gardening, recycled garden decor, making wind chimes, garden decor, garden accessories, recycling ideas

Recycled Garden Decor Ideas

Gardens can be rather spiritual spaces. The thriving plants and little animals not only represent life but new beginnings as well. This sense of rebirth gives […]

Pollen Prevention Tips, Mindful Gardening

5 Pollen Tips for Gardeners

Being an avid gardener who is allergic to pollen can put a major damper on your outdoor activities this spring, but it doesn’t have to […]