Breaking Bad Habits for Good

Habits are a part of life; they make us who we are. Forty percent of our daily actions are habits; however, not all of them […]

The Healing Power of Your Shower

Water invites you to endless possibilities for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and renewal. Water draws us deeper into ourselves. There is sensual, sexual freedom connected […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Meditation is Medicine?

Emerging scientific meditation research shows that there are many health benefits of meditation (also known as relaxation response). In fact, it has proven benefits in […]

Your Brain Loves Vitamin B6

This Pandemic is Damaging Your Brain. Your brain is the most prized real estate of your body. Your precious brain needs your attention now more […]

stress relief massage, healing massage, the gift of relaxation,

The Gift of Relaxation

Research shows massages reduce stress, relax your muscles and give you an immune boost. Researchers measured immune function in healthy adults who received a massage. […]

3 Food Tips to Jump Start Your Memory

Many of us turn to puzzles, exercises, and even apps to help improve our memory, but there are other tastier solutions. Healthy eating is key […]

eco friendly sunscreen, protect your skin, homemade sunscreen, sun damaged skin

Healing Summer Skin Damage

With the number of beach visitors slowly winding down and pools starting to close for the season, it’s time for us to assess the health […]

summer stress

Stressful Summer Activities

With the vacations, warm weather, and long sunny hours, summer should be a time of relaxation. However, that isn’t always the case. Some of the […]

Summer Diets? Proceed with Caution

Summer diet trends always change, but one diet that seems to be sticking around is the liquid diet. Celebrities like Beyoncé, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Selma […]