Vacation Shame Be Gone!

Many Americans suffer from vacation shame or guilt—they fear their bosses or coworkers will think negatively of them if they take time off. Some workers […]

Travel Safely with Money

A big part of traveling safely is ensuring that your money and identification (ids and passports) are safe and secure. Sometimes wallets and fanny packs […]

Save For Your Vacation

With the weather getting warmer with every passing day, people are already starting to plan for their summer vacations. Unfortunately, summer trips are quite popular […]

Take a Green Vacation : Part Two

Are you preparing to take a vacation during the holidays this year? If you are, maybe you should consider taking a green vacation. The previous […]

Take a Green Holiday: Part One

Taking a vacation can be a relaxing way to make new memories, especially during the holiday season. However, vacations can also be expensive and strain […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Tips for Business Travel Sanity

Millions of people are traveling for business and it’s contributing to the growth of the U.S. travel industry. In 2011, $249 billion dollars was spent […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Being in Service – a Real Ego Killer

There’s a lot of discussion in spirituality about ego and the myriad of ways to diminish it. No matter what spiritual tradition you are studying, […]