reading makes you smarter, reading reduces stress, facts about reading

Surprising Facts About Reading

It’s summer–time to grab a delicious book for a great summer adventure. It’s one of my favorite practices. A novel can lead you on obscure […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Midlife Crisis or Midlife Growth?

It’s common for a middle-aged American to experience a midlife crisis, but this chapter in their lives doesn’t have to be a breaking point. With […]

love rituals, self care activities, finding inner peace, take care of yourself,

Life-Saving Renewal Rituals

What is a Renewal Ritual®? We race around in our busy lives and don’t take the time to check in or come home to yourself. […]

Having Fun on a Budget

You Can Have Fun on a Budget Feeling a bit stressed or worn out? Maybe it’s time to pamper yourself and have some fun. Try […]

Reclaim the Feminine In Your Life

Since ancient Greece and throughout the ages in all cultures, religions, and spiritualities, people have celebrated femininity. When I was at Emory, the theology of […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Animals, Animals

Why is Loneliness Worse Than Smoking?

Loneliness is Lethal Connecting with people has been made easy with all of our recent technological advances; however, cases of loneliness seem to be rising. […]

Have a Spa Day at Home

Everyone needs a treat for themselves every now and then; a trip to the spa can usually do the trick. In this economy, not many […]

Simple Meditation Guide

Meditation is So Simple Many of us are living mindlessly these days instead of mindfully. Mindful Moments are when you stop your mind, body and […]

Effects of Lies and Dishonesty

The effects of lies and dishonesty in our lives can be tremendous. While we live in a culture of dishonesty, in a time of lies, […]