Stress Less in a Minute

Surrender to serenity during this month. It is time to immerse yourself in relaxation. Most of us live stressed out lives. We live as if […]

Incorporate Eco Therapy Into Your Summer

Your children have spent this past year in school, developing their left-brain (logic and mathematics). Spend time this summer helping develop their right-brain, and let […]

Summer Travel Stress Tips

Traveling during the summer can be very stressful. Factors affecting summer travel include intense heat, increased number of people at vacation sites, costs, and the […]

Stress and Pregnancy

Peace and relaxation are absolutely essential for an expectant mother. Stress during pregnancy can have serious and life-long health consequences. Listed below are three ways […]

The Key to a Long Life

SELF Care Aging Program Aging can be quite an adventure. Staying active and developing wellness practices that you do regularly are keys to a long, […]

Good Friends Reduce Stress

It kills us to be lonely. Not having good friends is about as harmful to your health as being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes a […]