Fascinating Black Leaders of Today

Then you can thank the creator and executive producer Shona Rhimes. Shonda Rhimes is the “first African-American woman to create and executive produce a top-ten network […]

French Lentil Soup

Join Chef Kendrick Dopp on our new show Cooking for Love and this savory, protein-rich, french lentil soup recipe.

Five Senses of Love

Cultivate Your Love Every Day of Your Life Valentine’s Day may be over, but that doesn’t mean that the season of love is finished. Love […]

african american runners, african american heart disease, running tips, heart disease, african american runners

Run, Don’t Walk, For Your Health

The risk for heart disease is high in America, especially in the African American community. With February being American Heart Month and Black History Month, […]

Lucious Valentine’s Chocolate Crepe

Chef Kendrick shows how to make this great Valentine’s Day chocolate crepe with homemade whipped cream that is sure to be a complete hit and please any dessert lover.

Red Curry Thai Shrimp

Looking for a quick and easy to make dish that’s sure to impress? On Valentines Day, or any other day of the year, this red curry thai shrimp dish is sure to please!

Zucchini Spaghetti Squash

Join Chef Kendrick Dopp and make this great zucchini squash spaghetti recipe – it’s low calorie, low fat, dairy free and vegan.