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Earn Extra Cash This Holiday

This holiday season there are some individuals who are getting into the entrepreneurial spirit.

Here are some entrepreneurial spirit job ideas:

Holiday personal shoppers. It’s an increasingly popular trend where individuals will brave the cold, hectic streets to do your Black Friday or holiday shopping. A small fee is usually involved whether it’s a percentage of your purchases or a flat fee. These shoppers have years of expertise and are enthusiastic about the whole process.

Childcare services. Provide babysitting or childcare services for people who prefer not to bring their kids to the mayhem.

Holiday lighting installation. Most homeowners would prefer to hire someone to install and remove outdoor lighting — whether it’s for their house or landscape around the house. If you have experience putting and removing lights up at your own home, you might find an opportunity here to make some extra cash.

Tips for Holiday Employers

  1. Get the word out. Post your services on websites: local boards on Craigslist or on your community’s webpage. Consider passing out flyers in front of the stores where you would be offering your shopping services.
  2. Show your enthusiasm. Maybe you’ve been a thrifty holiday shopper for years. Perhaps you know the layout of the store like the back of your hand. If  you have had some practice babysitting as early as 8pm on Thanksgiving Day. Whatever your selling point is, be prepared to show that you’re the best for the job.
  3. Organize. You may receive many inquiries. Be sure that you are realistic about how many customers you will be able to successfully serve. Agree on the terms before providing the services. If you hire a personal shopper, organize your list. Be sure to give them a detailed list of what stores you need them to visit as well as which items you are looking for. Put key items at the top of the list.

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