“I gave your treat to the cat.” These are words no dog wants to hear!

Check out this super hilarious video of a man telling his dog that he has given his treat to the cat. We all know that dogs can convey a wide, wide range of emotions without the use of actual words. Each owner distinguishes in the barking or sounds of their own dog a dozen different meanings. For example, dogs can tell us a warning about the appearance of strangers or that a friend has arrived. They can also let us know if they are hungry or tired. They can tell us that they want to play and many other things.
This video shows a cute idea of what a dog might say if he could ACTUALLY talk. And also, if his person were to start the conversation with,”I gave your treat to the cat.”
We’ve got tons of more funny animal videos like this dog playing hide-and-seek so make sure to check it and all our others out!