Summer is the Season of Fun and Relaxation
It’s summertime. The kids are out of school, the weather is heating up, and people are heading to the beach. This is usually the season of fun and relaxation, but it can also be a time of personal discovery and growth.
Summer is the Season of Personal Discovery and Growth
- Discover something new about yourself. There are hidden talents and skills in all of us—it’s just up to us to draw them out. This summer, try to tap into a new side of yourself. You can do this by trying new things. Take up a new hobby or a new recreational sport. You’ll expand your horizons, learn new things, and expand your skillset.
- Shed your insecurities. Everyone has their own insecurities, but to grow people must face their self-doubt. For instance, wearing a swimsuit at the beach when you’re insecure about your body can be daunting. One of the solutions is to take small steps and work yourself up to your final goal. Practice loving yourself, even your supposed “faults,” every day. With these tips, you can keep yourself from self-sabotaging.
- Protect your temple. This summer take special care of your body. Drink lots of water, have fruit and vegetables at every meal, and workout regularly. Don’t worry about the number on your scale or your reflection in the mirror. Instead, focus on how you feel. Treating your body like the temple that it is will make you feel better physically and mentally. You’ll also feel more connected with your inner self.
- Check something off your personal bucket list. Summer is the perfect time to scratch something off your bucket list. This summer book that life-changing trip you have been putting off, or finish writing that book you have dreamed of publishing. Accomplishing something you’ve always dreamed of doing will not only make you feel good, it will also motivate you to invest in your personal growth and complete the rest of your list.
Bonus. Looking for more ways to make this summer a memorable one? Consider these five Mindful tips. Using your five senses, you can truly make the most of this summer.