A message from the Founder and CEO of Mindful Living Network.
Happy New Year!
I wanted to start out the New Year by humbly expressing my gratitude, and that of our team, for your commitment to live a mindful life of happiness, energy, and sustainability. We want to serve our mindful community to spread the word on how to live mindfully every day. Mindful living will save our lives, our community, and our planet. Thank you for choosing to partner with us in this sacred endeavor. Our team, Andrea, Niki, Vana, Jim, and I, are a small crew, who work daily, dedicated to spreading the word of Mindful Living.
Could you please let us know how we can do a better job creating the content you want to experience? What ideas do you have or what have you seen that might help us serve you and our world better?
Our goal is to grow the Mindful Living Network this year. We need your help to do this. Please share us with your other communities so we can all become a mindful human family working to save ourselves and this precious planet.
Please send me your ideas at kahall@mindfullivingnetwork.com.
Always grateful,