For a few months every year, this beach is blanketed with large walruses who come here to “haul out.” A “haul out” is a place of refuge where walruses congregate, reproduce, and socialize in large numbers. In fact, the greatest number of Pacific walruses (as many as 15,000!) can be seen at this popular “haul-out” location. While you’re here, look up along the cliffs to see nesting seabirds or gaze out to sea for a glimpse of other marine mammals like whales, sea lions, and seals.
During the other months, this camera will show a highlight reel of the current season, so there’s always something for you to see!
Best Times to Watch
6:30am – 10:30pm AKDT
Learn More About Explore.org
EXPLORE is the largest live nature cam network on the planet. Their goal is bring nature to you, raw, unscripted, and unedited. Enjoy the natural world as it unfolds in real time in front of our cameras. EXPLORE.org takes you from Kenya, Africa to the riverbanks of Katmai, Alaska and everywhere in between.
Mindful Living Network is proud to feature many of EXPLORE’s amazing cams here on our site. You can check out all of EXPLORE’s live cams and highlight reels on this section of their website. EXPLORE’s mission is to champion the selfless acts of others, create a portal into the soul of humanity and inspire lifelong learning. That sounds pretty good to us! If you’d like, you can learn more about EXPLORE on their website, www.explore.org