It’s time to stop screwing yourself over – as Mel Robbins so eloquently puts it. We so often we hear the words: “your life is in your hands.” Well, it’s the truth… Your life really is in your hands, yet how hard do we find it to take action and create the life we really want? Too often we are just putting up with life … Whether that means living with mediocre relationships, jobs that make us unhappy and circumstances we claim are beyond our control, we usually put up with t because for lots of different reasons. For example, we don’t have the drive to change things, or we don’t believe we need to change our lives and can actually have much better ones.
In her Ted Talk named “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over” Mel Robbins gets closer to the audience with her interesting approach. She makes people think about their current state compared to what they really want to achieve in their lives.
Stop Screwing Yourself Over
As Mel Robbins says, “Stop screwing yourself over! You are never going to feel like it! You are never going to feel like doing what you have to do to make that change. It’s our job to parent ourselves. It’s time for us all to put our big boys and girls pants on, start parenting ourselves, and force ourselves to make the changes necessary to get what we WANT. If you want it you are going to need to parent yourself to do the stuff you should be doing to get it.”
She goes on to say “It’s the routine that is killing you! So, force yourself! The only way to get out of this routine is to FORCE yourself OUT of your head. And, to do this you will need to get out of your comfort zone. When you have the impulse to do it. You have to take action and do it. Right away.”
So how can we get on the road to being happier? Start by setting your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than usual and not hitting the snooze button. The effort required to leave that warm bed and enter the world is the same amount of effort needed to shake up your life and make that elusive change. In this humorous and provocative talk, Mel Robbins explains how turning off our brain’s autopilot and demolishing our comfort zones is key to a rewarding life.
This video is a 2 minutes summary of the original 20 minute Ted Talk, that can be viewed here in it’s entirety. An overview of the most important points to help you stop screwing yourself are:
- Decide what you want. Be selfish about this decision, this is about you, no need to make it look appealing to others.
- Use your activation energy. The same energy that pushes you to do great things is the one you exercise creating when you get out of bed in the morning without the “snooze button”.
- Don’t be just fine. If you tell people that you are fine, you are essentially telling yourself that that’s the best you can do.
- The 5 second emergency break rule. Helps engaging in different/unusual/unexpected activities. If you don’t engage in an activity in the first 5 seconds, chances are, you never will.
- Get out of your bed, get out of your comfort zone and get out of your own head.
More about Mel Robbins:
Mel Robbins is widely respected for her grab-’em-by-the-collar advice and tough love. She drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want. Her approach is smart, effective and entertaining. Five days a week, Mel hosts her own syndicated radio show The Mel Robbins Show. There she discusses hot topics and gives advice to callers across America. In addition, she writes a monthly column for Success Magazine and is a former CNBC contributor. She is also the co-founder of Advice for Living, Inc., which develops products and television programming with experts in the wellness, health, relationship and career categories.
For more on Mel Robbins, check out her website or YouTube channel. If you want to know even more about the 5 second rule, you can purchase Mel Robbin’s book, The 5 Second Rule, on Amazon. And don’t forget to check out all our Mindful Living Around the World videos.