Stress Shrinks the Brain

A little stress in your daily life is natural, but too much stress can do your body a lot of harm. You many know that […]

Don’t Mix Love and Stress

Stress can create distance in your relationship. Fortunately, there are five mindful tips that can help strengthen your love life. Stress keeps you from communicating […]

Stress and Pregnancy

Peace and relaxation are absolutely essential for an expectant mother. Stress during pregnancy can have serious and life-long health consequences. Listed below are three ways […]

Stop Gaining Weight From Stress Today

Stress Causes Emotional Eating When something goes wrong at work or issues arise in your romantic relationship, you may feel an urge to eat. This […]

Dangerous Stress Myths

Stress Myths Can Be Dangerous to Your Health There are many myths about stress. Some of them based on your personal experiences, articles you have […]

Beware of Secondhand Stress

Feeling stressed at work and not sure why? Maybe you’ve caught a co-workers stress. Indirect stress is a dangerous health hazard, especially at work. Stress […]

Stress Damages Your Kidneys

Stress Raises Risk of Kidney Disease Stress and depression can compromise your internal organs—from your stomach to your brain. Research shows stress can also have […]

Stress Ruins Your Smile

Stress can cause indigestion, break your back, and give you a migraine, but did you know that it could also damage your smile? February is […]

Stress Impacts Beauty

Stress impacts the way you look Many of us take complicated steps in order to look younger and retain our youth. However, many of us […]

The Late Effects of Stress

When a traumatic event occurs, such as a car accident or the sudden death of a loved one, the incident often triggers symptoms that are […]