pearl harbor, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Schedule a Camping Trip to Catalina Island

Catalina Island is a beautiful piece of the California archipelago chain with a mix of sweeping hills and soft sand beaches. Sparsely populated with people and […]

4 Great Summer Staycation Tips

Summer, unfortunately, is coming to a swift end. Have you had an opportunity to enjoy a relaxing vacation? If not, you still have a chance! […]

How Vacations Extend Your Life!

Vacations Help You Live Longer If you don’t have vacation plans, you aren’t the only one. Millions of Americans skip their vacation opportunities, which could […]

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family, Family

Dangers at the Beach

Americans love the beach. From Venice Beach, California to Miami Beach, Florida, over 151 million visitors travel to America’s most popular beaches every year. Are […]

Summer is Coming: Be Vacation Prepared

Before you start booking rooms or packing your bags, ask yourself one question: am I prepared for this vacation? Scheduling a trip can be quite […]

How to Be A Mindful Traveler

Too many tourists today have terrible travel etiquette. They’re rude to locals, they’re disrespectful of traditional customs, and they leave the local environment in worse […]