This is a motivational video compilation that truly shows the power of a mindset. Your mindset can either be your greatest opponent or your greatest motivator. IT’S YOUR CHOICE! The purpose of this video is to help you achieve a wealthy mindset and a mindset of a champion. Remember, your mind is powerful! Use it well!
Here’s a great quote about the power of a mindset from Roger Clemens. He says “I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.” The Fearless Motivation website features many quotes about mindsets and their power, if you’d like to read some more.
This ‘power of a mindset’ video compilation features the following speakers:
Cara Delevingne, Lisa Nichols, Prince EA, Louise L. Hay, Cindy Trimm, Ben Carson, Les Brown, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tom Bilyeu, Jim Rohn, Jocko Willink, Tony Robbins, T.D Jakes & Sean Stephenson