Welcome to the world of farming, a world that is the very foundation of our sustenance. Imagine vast green fields, crops swaying in the wind, cows, sheep and goats grazing among the hills of grassy pastures, and the quiet serenity of the majestic countryside encompassing all the eye can see.
This is the world that feeds us, and also the world that many often take for granted. Our journey begins as dawn slowly breaks, as the first light of day graces the fields of Mother Earth. The insects, birds and farm animals awaken, unaffected by the fact that they all play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of a farm’s delicate ecosystem. Fields stretch as far as the eye can see, as the farmer, done with her morning coffee, gets ready to begin another day of work, often thankless by humans, but never by the animals or world that she nurtures. Appreciating each day’s beauty , as it creates the symphony of daily life, beginning with each morning’s sunrise on the over farm, the farmer’s challenging yet rewarding day begins anew, with Mother Earth ready to teach her (what should be) inherent values of patience, perseverance, stamina, resilience and a worldly respect for nature as well as the world that sustains us.
This is a humble, simple life that is often overlooked, but one that deserves our utmost respect and endless gratitude – for without farms and farmers, we wouldn’t have the food on our plates or the clothes on our backs and our world would be a much different place.
Videos from many places www.Pexels.com, www.Pixabay.com, www.Pond5.com, www.Coverr.co, www.Videezy.com, www.Videvo.com
Sound: Music compliments of www.Pixabay.com, Olexy ‘The Beat of Nature’
Sound Effects: www.orangefreesounds, www.zapsplat.com, and www.freesound.org
Music by Aleksey Chistilin from Pixabay