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vWhat percentage of people do you think work to live versus live to work?v

What percentage of people do you think work to live versus live to work?

Enjoy a relaxing mindful moment while pondering this intriguing, intentional question.

Share your answer and read the answers of those before you. Come back tomorrow for and enjoy another moment.

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Harriet Tubman – The Moses of Her People

Harriet Tubman Was a Living Saint Harriet Tubman is an epic historical figure and our shero. She…

Tasty Enchilada Lasagna

Who doesn’t love a big plate of lasagna? Just when you thought the great comfort food…

Easy One-Pot Enchilada Pasta

Talk about combining everyone’s favorite foods! This one-pot enchilada pasta is not only fast…

Harriet Tubman Posthumously Becomes a General

The revered abolitionist Harriet Tubman, the first woman to oversee an American military action…

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Harriet Tubman – The Moses of Her People

Harriet Tubman Was a Living Saint Harriet Tubman is an epic historical figure and our shero. She…

Tasty Enchilada Lasagna

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Easy One-Pot Enchilada Pasta

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Harriet Tubman Posthumously Becomes a General

The revered abolitionist Harriet Tubman, the first woman to oversee an American military action…

Serenity in the Sky: A Cloud Meditation Journey

Are you looking for serenity in the sky? Let us help! Imagine a breathtaking cloud meditation…

Harriet Tubman – The Moses of Her People

Harriet Tubman Was a Living Saint Harriet Tubman is an epic historical figure and our shero. She…

Tasty Enchilada Lasagna

Who doesn’t love a big plate of lasagna? Just when you thought the great comfort food…

Easy One-Pot Enchilada Pasta

Talk about combining everyone’s favorite foods! This one-pot enchilada pasta is not only fast…

Harriet Tubman Posthumously Becomes a General

The revered abolitionist Harriet Tubman, the first woman to oversee an American military action…

Serenity in the Sky: A Cloud Meditation Journey

Are you looking for serenity in the sky? Let us help! Imagine a breathtaking cloud meditation…


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