Watch Out for Summer Hazards

Sunburn isn’t the only health risk to be wary of this summer. On warm, sunny days there are many dangers just lurking around the corner.  […]

3 Healthy Unicorn Drinks

The Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino caused quite a buzz when it first came up. This pink-and-blue swirl drink boosted Starbucks sells and gave thirsty fans a […]

the healing power of water, healing water, hydrotherapy treatment

Hydrotherapy: Using Water to Heal

Water is key to a mindful life. While drinking water can heal from the inside out, hydrotherapy is a water based-treatment that heals from the […]

dietary guidelines, a healthy diet

Healthy Diet in a SNAP?

A healthy diet is an important part of Mindful Living. A person’s access to a healthy diet shouldn’t be limited by the money they have […]

Benefits of Swimming, Health Benefits of Swimming, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful,

The Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is not only a fun, relaxing way to pass the time; it is also very healthy. This summer keep your mind and body in […]

Heal Depression Now

Depression is a serious health condition that impacts the lives of millions of people. There are currently 19 million Americans with depression. And according to […]

benefits of drinking water, glass of water, summer stress, stay hydrated

Best Summer Stress Reducer

Drinking a glass of water is a simple way to reduce your stress. When you experience summer stress, refresh your body right away by sipping […]

sunburn remedies, heal sunburn

5 Natural Sunburn Cures

Have you got sunburn? Unfortunately, this skin damage is a fairly common summer hazard. In the past, more than one-third of U.S. adults had sunburn […]