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Eco Friendly Summer Camps for Kids

Getting our children involved in eco friendly summer camps can protect the future of our planet. Fortunately, kids can learn about sustainability by attending educational summer camps. Some organizations have recognized the need for “go green” educational opportunities. Universities, animal protection agencies and environmental organizations have started eco-friendly day and overnight summer camps around the country. They teach various environmental dangers like global warming and pollution. Some teach sustainable habits like recycling and water conservation.

With each generation the amount of destruction done to the planet increases, so it’s important to teach kids sustainable practices. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that the amount of waste each person creates per day has increased from 2.7 pounds in 1960 to 4.4 pounds in 2010. If more kids adopt the “reduce, reuse, and recycle” mantra it could make all the difference in the future.

What kind of activities do camps usually offer? Some camps organize projects, workshops and trips to local parks. For a more hands-on approach, some programs help kids create art from recycled materials, participate in water harvesting projects, get involved in organic gardening or care for farm animals. Some also offer outdoor activities like hiking nature trails, fishing, camping, kayaking and canoeing.

Want to enroll your kids in eco friendly summer camps? Here are some ideas to help you with your search:

  1. Camps organized by colleges: Check with your local universities. Many of them offer environmental summer camps for kids. For instance, the University of Rhode Island offers day camps, overnight camping trips and summer expeditions for teens. They accept kids from ages 5 to 17. The kids can participate in farming activities, take trips to campsites or go hiking. Other university summer camps include: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, University of Washington and Florida A & M University.
  2. Programs arranged by organizations: Many local environmental organizations offer camps for kids. For instance, the National Audubon Society is a conservation organization with 500 locations in cities like New York City, Phoenix, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.  Most of these locations offer camps which teach kids about local flora, fauna and the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

Also consider the YMCA. Some locations have environmental summer camps for kids.

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