It’s The Bah Humbug Season
Do you want to turn the feelings of “Bah Humbug” to “Ho Ho Ho” this year? There are several causes of the holiday blues. Typical sources of holiday sadness are stress, fatigue, financial stress, grief of an old relationship, loss of a loved one, over-commercialization, unrealistic expectations and not being able to be with your family or friends at the holiday.
There are many “Bah Humbug” behaviors such as problems sleeping, being short-tempered, aggressive, eating more, withdrawal or anger. Stress responses may include anxiety, worry or depression. You may develop physical symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, headaches, overeating, over-drinking, headaches or backaches.
Tips to Cure the Holiday Blues
- Volunteer. If you are lonely, volunteer some time to help others. Even if you aren’t lonely, volunteering is an instant pick me up. There is a sense of happiness we call “helper’s high,” when you volunteer. You will also meet like-minded people and new friends. Being around like-minded groups also improves your health.
- Try something new. Celebrate the holiday in new ways. Go to a new place to celebrate. Instead of giving a gift, write a letter or card to another and tell them what they mean to you. Try new foods to recipes you have collected from previous years. Don’t stick to the all of the same old foods. Decorate your home and office in new ways. Trying a new color or changing holiday decorations, dishes or linens might help with holiday blues.
- Contact a relative, friend or old neighbor. Plan time with a friend, coworker or neighbor for a happiness boost. Many of us have lost contact with old relationships. Reconnect with old relationships that may have withered because of your busy life.
- Schedule in time for yourself each day. Take time to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Read an inspirational book, go to a museum or local event. You may want to work out, get a massage, go to a meditation or yoga class.
- Water. Don’t forget to connect to water. It is 85 percent of your body, and it naturally calms and heals you. Drink water regularly each day. As you drink, give thanks for the water that nourishes your body. Schedule a long bath at least once a week. Take a little longer shower to relax you these days. During the day go to the bathroom and let warm water run down your wrists and hands and take a deep breath. All of these connections with water are relaxing.
- Practice stress reduction practices regularly. Practice stress reduction regularly by practicing deep breathing, mini-meditations, guided imagery, affirmations, laughing, singing, listening to music or journaling online.