Not everyone’s work environment is idealistic, but showing a little gratitude can go a long way. Studies from the University of Miami show that practicing “daily gratitude” can help you feel more optimistic even in trying situations.
The holidays are just around the corner. Chances are that as we organize our gift list and prepare for visits from relatives, we will be reflecting on what we are most grateful for this year. Loved ones and good health usually top the list, but how many of us forget to include our job, bosses, and even coworkers on the list?
Here are a few Mindful tips on how to show gratitude in the workplace:
Create a daily gratitude list
Has the workload at your job got you down? Create a list of reasons for why you are grateful for this working opportunity and place it somewhere you can see it every day. Your list can include simple things, such as loving the way your office is arranged, or bigger things, such as lunch breaks with your colleagues.
Offer praise
It seems simple, but you’d be surprised by how a little acknowledgment of certain talents can boost your coworker’s day. If you’re a boss and need to give constructive criticism always try to end on a positive note which can help build up their confidence and motivate them to do better.
Lend a helping hand
Going out of your way to help someone at work can be just the thing to brighten their day. And chances are that if you lend a helping hand someone may return the favor to you someday.
Bring a treat
Show your appreciation with a spontaneous gift. Homemade baked goods, fresh coffee or a healthy snack are all great ways of showing your coworkers that you care.
Send a thank you note
Contrary to popular belief, thank you notes are not just for potential job candidates after an interview. Slipping a handwritten note in your boss’s office or in your coworkers’ cubicle can make a big difference. It’s old fashion but it beats an email any day.