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Tony the 150lb German Shepherd’s Incredible Story

Laying in an animal shelter in Sacramento California was Tony, a 150lb German Shepherd. He was lonely, depressed and had nothing to do but eat. That’s when Lee Asher spotted him and instantly recognized that Tony had given up hope and just needed a family to believe in him. It was love at first sight.

The 150-pound dog also needed to lose a third of his weight. Tony was so heavy he couldn’t walk up stairs. He had no coordination and was used to getting no attention. But Asher’s home was the perfect remedy for this neglected dog. With a house full of 8 other rescue dogs, Tony had to learn to keep up with the pack. Not used to being encouraged, Tony soon learned to make new friends (including a doggie girlfriend, Ellie the Saint Bernard) and learn to love.

After some heard work, lighter meals, and his own human and dog-to-dog personal training sessions, he’s lost over 50 pounds!  

While Tony’s weight loss is inspirational, watching Tony feel accepted and loved and realize he has a family is absolutely heartwarming. Congratulations Tony! We hope you know you’ve got the best Dad in the world!

Video by The Dodo

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