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How Can I Afford New Spring Clothes?

Update Your Spring Wardrobe

The enticing, bright spring clothes and shoe styles are in every magazine you open and in every store you gaze into. You know you want to update your wardrobe and the new spring colors–they have so much energy and just look fun. But then, the reality of the balance of your checkbook settles in. Don’t fret! Help is on the way and get ready for new spring clothes!

Great Tips That Help You Get New Spring Clothes

  1. Know the salesperson. Approach the salesperson at the store and tell them what you are interested in and ask them if it is the same price online. Or ask when the next upcoming sale will be. Some salespeople at smaller stores will take your contact information and give you a call or drop you an email when there is a sale.
  2. Go online. If you find something you love go online and see if you can find it cheaper. This works great if you are not brand sensitive. Finding similar style clothing at a cheaper price is a great feeling! Many online retailers offer shipping deals as well. Check out for great customer service, free shipping, and deals. Look at for online discount coupons!
  3. ShopSavvy App. You can scan the barcode on the product you like with your ShopSavvy app on your smartphone and it will tell you where you can get what you want at a cheaper price.  Very cool!
  4. Outlet malls. Check out local outlet malls in your area. There are Neiman Marcus, Saks, and tons of very cool outlet stores that have incredible bargains.
  5. Swap with friends. Enlist your friends to find bargains! Let your friends know what you are interested in this spring. When they see a pair of cool white jeans you are interested in, they may text you and let you know where you can go get it at a great price! Also, why not swap clothes with friends of similar sizes? You’ve just expanded the size of your wardrobe!

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