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Your Ultimate Summer Poolside Party Guide

Nothing says summer more than relaxing evenings with friends and family by the pool. So this summer why not throw a poolside party for your loved ones? It’s a fun and rerfreshing way to relieve stress.

Swimming is not only fun it also has numerous health benefits. It improves flexibility, helps with asthma, and reduces stress, so it’s no wonder that the swimming pool is the quintessential American backyard accessory. In fact, there are 10.4 million residential pools in the U.S. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who plan on hosting a poolside party this summer, we’ve got some ideas for your from our Ultimate Summer Poolside Guide.

Check out these poolside party ideas – They’ll be a great hit!

  • Water-inspired decorations. Looking for decorations for your pool party? You can hang banners, blow up balloons, or try something really creative, such as a colorful coral reef display. Check out this creative DIY craft that’s made with pool noodles, a box cutter, and wire hangers. It’s easy to assemble, and the final product is a giant coral reef display that will impress your guests. See it on Crafty Morning!
  • Comfortable pool lounging. A lot of guests don’t want to go swimming, but they would like to dip their legs in the pool. This ingenious pool chair is perfect! All you need are regular plastic chairs. Just cut the legs off and place the tops of the chairs by the pool. Your guests will be able to sit back and lounge with their legs in the pool.
  • Games for inside the pool. If your kids are accomplished swimmers than an underwater obstacle course is for them. The best part is that you only need two items to make the course: pool noodles and hula-hoops that have been cut, filled with water, and tapped shut. The weighted hula-hoop will sink in the water, and the pool noodle will keep the hoops afloat and the kids can take turns timing themselves swimming through the course.
  • Poolside bowling. As long as everyone is safe, adults and kids can have a lot fun playing poolside. You can play beach ball bowling with aluminum soda bottles for the pins and a yoga mat and pool noodles for the track.

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