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Summer Solstice Garden Party Magic

Summer Solstice Gardening Party, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Mate, Mate, Mindful Gardening, garden party, summer solstice, summer solstice party, midsummer celebration,

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

June 20th is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Why not celebrate this weekend with a summer solstice garden party. You can welcome the first day of summer with your family and friends while sharing the joy of gardening with them.

Nations worldwide have been celebrating the summer solstice for centuries, with elaborate festivals that honor nature. So, why not continue this tradition in your way with a garden party? A garden party is a festive event in which people can eat great food, socialize with loved ones, and connect to nature by planting flowers, fruits, or vegetables. It’s an informal, entertaining, and educational way of saluting the summer season.

Tips For Your Summer Solstice Garden Party

  1. Summer Decorations 

Fortunately, with a flourishing garden, you won’t need many decorations. Please keep it simple. You can set up your party on the patio or in a bright spot in your yard. Consider setting the table with fresh cut or potted flowers (from your garden possibly). For a particularly sunny day, be sure that you have shade with a large, bright umbrella.

  1. Festive Foods

When you plan your menu consider getting fresh summer staples like cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, summer squash, and possibly watermelon for a sweet dessert or fruity after-dinner martini. Or maybe feature some of the goodies harvested from your garden. Have you been growing berries like strawberries? Consider letting your guests pick some as a delicious appetizer.

You may want to put each serving in a small closed container that each guest can pick up, so they do not touch anything else on the table. For example, use small individual 8-12 ounce serving containers with potato salad, baked beans, chicken, or burgers.

  1. Green Thumb Garden Activities

Try planning and organizing your summer solstice party as an educational opportunity, especially for any gardening novices or kids in attendance. Why not give them a tour of your garden and let them get hands-on experience by planting or watering your plants. If your guests are experienced gardeners, consider having a sharing session where you and your guests can share your successful gardening tips.

  1. Midsummer Traditions

When planning your summer solstice party, try to incorporate traditional midsummer celebration traditions. For instance, consider lighting your fire pit or starting a fire in your grill. It’s a creative way to honor the Finland tradition of Midsummer Eve bonfires. Or make flower garlands and crowns in the Russian Midsummer tradition. You may want to have any musician friends bring their instruments or have a drumming circle.

Gardening Gifts and Favors

Send your guests home with materials for their own gardens along with any leftovers from your delicious meal. Consider giving them seeds, potted plants, or gardening tools. You could give them personalized gardening utility aprons with their name or gardening gloves. Your Summer Solstice gifts will impart treasured memories for your guests.

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