Are you preparing to take a vacation during the holidays this year? If you are, maybe you should consider taking a green vacation. The previous article mentioned six ways you can be eco-friendly on any vacation, now here are some activities and destinations that are a lot of fun and great for the environment too.
Part Two: Environmental Vacations
If you are looking for vacations that can reduce your impact on the environment maybe you should give these ideas a try this holiday season.
Don’t let the cold weather stop you. There are camping grounds in the US and abroad which are open year round. You can buy and rent eco-friendly camping equipment from most sports and outdoors stores. You can get more camping tips from the Daily Green.
Wilderness Lodges
To be one with nature, give an eco-lodge a try. Alaska’s Sadie Cove Wilderness Lodge uses wind energy and hydropower. They have hiking trails, nature walks, and sea kayaking opportunities too.
Are you looking to relax? Try an eco-resort. The El Monte Sargrado in New Mexico is a luxurious spa that uses alternative energy and recycled water systems. And the exclusive Tiamo Resort in the Bahamas has ten secluded cottages equipped with solar panels. You can relax at the sustainable lodge and take nature tours or go snorkeling.
Eco-Ski spots
Want to hit the slopes without negatively impacting the environment? You’re in luck. There are eco-friendly ski resorts that can help you do just that. Steamboat Ski and Resort in Colorado is a close partner with the U.S. Forest Service and has received numerous awards for its environmental efforts. At the resort you can ski, visit a hot spring, or go horseback riding.
Earthtimes.org has a list of great ecotourism spots around the world that you can try this holiday season. You can watch whales in Kaikoura, New Zealand or walk the wilderness trail at the Algonquin Park Eco-Lodge in Canada.