Join UC Davis students and faculty on their journey of science, education and discovery down the Colorado River. Virtually join the hike along a ridgeline toward the Unkar Delta overlook, where this group of UC Davis graduate students has been promised stunning views of archaeological ruins and the Colorado River’s Unkar Rapid.

Just a few feet in and already the view is not too shabby. One of the class’ instructors, Sarah Yarnell, points out the sandbars, widening canyon and river below. She launches into a talk about the fan-eddy complex, which is one of the most influential natural forces of the Colorado River. When debris — like sediment, cobbles and boulders — flows down a tributary and spills into the main channel it creates a debris fan, not to mention some thrilling rapids and vertical drops.
You can get more detais about the trip, including the exact map on UC Davis website.
Video by UC Davis. The University of California, Davis, impacts the world through teaching, research and public service. Located in Northern California close to the state capital, the campus has 31,000 students, an annual research budget that exceeds $500 million, a comprehensive health system and 13 specialized research centers.