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Zucchini Spaghetti Squash

Join Chef Kendrick Dopp on our new show Cooking for Love featured on the Mindful Living Network. Try this great zucchini squash spaghetti recipe – it’s low calorie, low fat, dairy free as well as vegan and also has many other health benefits mentioned below.

Zucchini has many great health benefits such as helping with your weight loss, boosting your energy, lowering your blood sugar, improving your digestion, and slowing your aging. Tomatoes are loaded with the antioxidant lycopene which has many health benefits such as reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease. Also, garlic throughout history has been known for it’s medicinal properties. It is a powerful tool for your health and longevity. Garlic can reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol levels while also reducing your risk for heart disease, cancer, and your risk of getting a cold. It’s antioxidant enzymes may reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Zucchini Squash Spaghetti


  • 3 to 4 small to medium zucchini, cut lengthwise with spiral cutter, or buy a 12 oz. package of zucchini spiral strands, precut
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil or grapeseed oil, or half of both
  • 2 medium cloves garlic (pressed, minced)
  • 4 tablespoons basil (chopped)
  • 1/4 cup fresh Parmesan cheese (grated, plus more for serving)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add the garlic, sea salt and pepper and cook, stirring for a few minutes then add zucchini strands and continue sautéing/stirring, until just slightly softened.
  3. Add the basil, stir to combine, and continue cooking for about 30 seconds.
  4. Taste seasonings and adjust as necessary, adding salt and pepper as needed.
  5. Toss the squash with the Parmesan cheese and serve immediately with extra Parmesan cheese on the side for sprinkling.

Optional – Add Shrimp:

  •  Cook 2 cloves of minced garlic in a skillet with 3 tablespoons of butter with 1 tbsp. grapeseed oil until softened.
  • Add 2 pounds of cleaned and deveined shrimp to the skillet and cook until they are opaque.
  • Remove the shrimp with a slotted spoon and if able to eat dairy, then add 1/2 cup of heavy cream and a tablespoon or two of sherry wine to the skillet.
  • Bring to a simmer and simmer for about 4 to 5 minutes to reduce.
  • Add the shrimp back to the sauce, and sprinkle ½ tsp. tarragon over all and serve over zucchini or summer squash pasta.
  • If dairy intolerant, then skip the cream, add 2 Tbsp. olive oil, extra basil, and two Tbsp. white wine.

You can also view our other Cooking For Love recipes here, or check out some other zucchini squash recipes on Epicurious.

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