If you’re looking for a small craft project to occupy your children’s time, then DIY piggy banks may be just what you’re looking for! Your kids will have fun getting creative, and you can use the project as a teaching opportunity for your young kids. You can teach them how to count currency and you can teach them about the importance of saving money.
For more ideas, check out the cool DIY piggy bank projects listed below:
Eco-friendly piggy bank
If you have a plastic bottle lying around your house your kids can easily “upcycle” it into a piggy bank. All you need is the empty bottle, scissors, double-sided tape, hot glue, construction paper, old thread spools, and pipe cleaner. The final product is an adorable piggy bank with a clear body so your kids can see exactly how much money they have saved. Plus, they can twist off the bottle cap nose to take the money out without destroying the pig. You can find further instructions
Animal mason jar banks
Your kids don’t have to stick with the classic piggy bank—they can make their own little money banks based on other animals as well. This tutorial from One Savvy Mom turns a mason jar into a “lion bank.” She used paint to cover the jar, googly eyes, pipe cleaners for the tail, wooden spools for the feet, and craft foam for the mane and eats. Check out the craft instructions for more information.
Shadowbox banks
If your kids are older and they aren’t interested in making a “piggy” bank, try making bank instead. All you need is a shadowbox and a drill to make a money slot. The kids can decorate the back panel with pictures or drawings and they can also decorate the box itself with paint. The blog, Poor Girl Décor, offers more inspiration.
Want a money bank that’s more complicated for your young tweens? Try a DIY ATM bank! Using only cardboard, colored paper, hot glue, scissors and a knife, you can create an ATM that will dispense coins and paper money. Your kids can get even more creative and create their own bankcard! To learn how to make this ATM bank yourself, check out the video below.