New Year’s resolutions are easily made and easily broken, right? Well, not anymore! With a smartphone or tablet, you can download the right apps to keep up your resolve throughout the year.
According to a report from Reuters, 87 percent of Americans made resolutions in the studied year, but far less actually accomplished them. Research from the University of Scranton estimates that within six months only 40- 46 percent of those who make New Year’s resolutions accomplish their goals. Some of the most commonly broken vows include losing weight, saving money, and being less stressed.
If you’re determined to make some changes this year, consider these Mindful Apps™ for keeping New Year’s resolutions:
- Lead a healthier life. To learn more about the food you buy, consider the Fooducate app. It allows you to scan the barcode of food products in the grocery store and get the latest nutritional critiques and suggestions. If you’re looking for an electronic personal trainer consider Nike Training Club app and Workout Trainer app.
- Manage money wisely. When it comes to money management there are many Mindful apps to consider. A further example includes HelloWallet. It adds up all your assets and debt, helps you monitor your transactions, and plan a budget. Money Lover, which has multiple currency and language settings, helps you monitor your expenses.
- Quit addictions. If you’re looking for apps to help you kick your addiction to cigarettes consider apps like Quit Smoking and QuitNow! Pro. They monitor how long you’ve gone without smoking, keep track of your urges and how much money you have saved by not buying cigarettes. If you’re looking for a motivational app to help you quit drinking, consider Stop Drinking with Andrew Jackson.
- Less stress. You can relieve stress by staying organized and productive. The Astrid app helps you keep track of tasks and set up reminders. If what you really need is a relaxation app, consider Gratitude Journal. You can reflect over your day, forget about the stressful things and concentrate on what you have to be thankful for.
Bonus apps. If you have a different resolution like spending more time with family, breaking old habits, or learning something new, then create your own New Year’s resolution schedule with apps like GoalTracker and Livifi. You can keep track of your progress with daily, weekly, or monthly goals and schedule reminders.