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A Late Night Rescue

Just as I was about to take a nap late yesterday afternoon when the phone rang. The unknown woman on the phone began talking very rapidly as she told me about her work transporting and rescuing animals. She heard that we have fostered many animals and lots of mama’s and their puppies over decades. She had a very sick German Shepherd mix and her sick puppies and had nowhere to take them. The dogs had been abused and were very ill so she snatched them quickly and later realized she had to get them to a safe foster home. I asked her to bring them right over.

It was under 30 degrees with 30-mile-an-hour winds as I headed to the barn to receive the dogs. These were the filthiest dogs I have ever seen in my life. That is saying a lot since we have rescued thousands of dogs over the years. All five of the puppies had to be bathed immediately. I don’t know who was shivering more from cold the dogs or me. As I wash each precious dog I felt like the most blessed person who ever lived. They moaned and cried as I dried each one and put them into a warm bed. We keep lots of medical supplies including antibiotics on hand. I began their medical treatment immediately.

As I returned late to our home soaking wet and shivering, there was much joy in my heart knowing mama and her kids were safe, clean, warm, and full. I am so grateful to our rescue tribe as we continue our commitment to these little angels. What a privilege it is to be a part of this two and four-legged tribe.

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