It Takes 40 Days To Break the Habit Cycle
There is a relevance to doing this little exercise in discipline for 40 days. This magic number indicates that 40 days is what’s required to change behavior or ‘retrain’ the subconscious. The 40 days of Lent are a time to be honest with yourself and others about any negative behavior that has caused you or others pain or suffering. What behavior has been creating pain or chaos in your life and in the lives of others that you are ready to get rid of? Lent is a great time for spiritual spring cleaning and breaking up with a harmful behavior.
I invite you to create this family ritual with your family. It takes about 40 days to change a bad habit or behavior. Take this time in your busy overbooked life to focus on something you want to change to create happiness and love in your life and in the lives of others. Write a break up letter to your harmful behavior you are ready to release.
Write a Letter To Your Harmful Behavior
Begin your 40 day Lenten journey by writing a letter to your harmful behavior. It may be anger, fear, dishonesty, drinking, drugs, smoking, eating, playing video games, or jealousy. Any act that is robbing you of your purpose and love needs to go. Research shows therapeutic writing actually can changes behavior.
The Following Questions May Help Create Your Break Up Letter
- Why did you begin this harmful behavior? Were there specific pressures and influences or have you always done this behavior?
- How has your behavior been harmful in your life? What pain, suffering, destruction or chaos had this caused in your life?
- What practices or positive, healing behavior are you going to embrace during the 49 days of Lent to transform your behavior. How are you going to stop? Do you need some kind of support from friends, family, counselor, classes, AA, NA or other support groups available?
- Describe your life after these 40 days. How will you feel? Will you feel empowered, creative, happy or healthier?
- Reread your breakup letter. Is there anything you need to add, change, or delete? Sign and date your letter to this harmful behavior.