Tiny Puppy Loves Racing On Wheels

TurboRoo is a chihuahua who was born without his two front legs. Read his inspiring story and learn how 3d printers and an ingenious, specialized solution gave this dog a new lease on life.

Bill Conner, donor dad meets heart recipient, Loumonth Jack, Jr.

Abbey’s Amazing Ride For Life

Watch as Bill meets the young man who received his daughter’s heart and hears his child’s heart beating in the body of another person. After […]

The Land of a Thousand Stray Dogs

Territorio de Zaguates aka Land Of The Strays is a place like non-other. 378 acres of mountainous fields where 1000’s of stray, injured, and abused […]

Who ate the cookie?

Who ate the cookie?

Who ate the cookie? There’s no shortage of “guilty dog” videos, but we have to admit, this poor black lab looks very, very guilty. And […]