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Write a Letter!

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

When’s the last time you received a hand written letter or card? Did you receive it in the mail or as a note card passed off in-person to you? How did it make you feel? Hand written letters are replaced by text messages and emails. While technology makes communicating easier and faster than ever before, it just doesn’t have “soul.” Hand written letters and cards are time consuming, yet wonderfully meditative. Feelings and emotions can be determined by letter slants, weight and spacing. Also, writing helps organize the mind and can help you unravel the complexity of your day and your thoughts.

Write a letter to your loved ones today with these hand written letter tips:

  1. Set time aside for a peaceful composition. It’s difficult to find time, but put aside 15 minutes to compose a letter in peace. Have some tea and get in comfy clothes. Encourage yourself by picking up special stationary, your favorite pen (we all have our favorite ballpoints or ink pens) and even stickers (for envelope decorating).
  2. Start by asking about them. How have you been? How are you? These basic questions set the tone for your letter. Show that you are writing to them because you care to find out more about what’s been happening in their lives. In the next paragraph, speak generally about events happening in your life. The following, specific events that are notable and remarkable.
  3. Let it flow. Many people have trouble expressing their emotions on paper. Hand writing thoughts is less forgiving than typing it on the computer (where’s that delete button?). Don’t panic. Cross out spelling mistakes; if you have grammatical errors or thought fragments–all that is forgivable in a hand written message. What really matters is the time and thought you are putting in writing. The more you write, the easier ideas and communication will come to you.
  4. Sign it with love. How do you end your letter? Encourage the person to write back with: I can’t wait to hear back from you or I really look forward to writing you more later. Letter writing is truly mindful and the more others experience the joy of reading a personal message that’s JUST for them, they will reciprocate and write back.

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