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The Power Of Positive Thinking

Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life

Bring positive energy into your life with affirmations. Beginning or ending your day with a positive statement of encouragement is an important step to Mindful Living. Research tells us every thought and emotion we have creates a chemical release into our bodies.  These powerful chemicals affect our mental, physical, and spiritual health and well being. Our minds believe what we tell them. Many of us live our lives with negative self-talk.  This self-deprecating talk keeps us from living the authentic intentional life we were born to live. Thinking positive, uplifting thoughts will combat negative self-talk. You can choose to do this simple practice to create prosperity, balance, and health in your life.

Practicing positive affirmations daily:

  1. Start with your breath. First, close your eyes, mind your posture, and focus on your breathing. Take a slow, deep, cleansing abdominal breath (through your nose if possible). Count to four in your mind as you inhale and then exhale for four counts. As you breathe focus on the little movements of your body, both internally and externally.
  2. State your affirmation. As you inhale, say short positive affirmations. Your affirmations should have personal meaning to you. It’s a short statement that should motivate you or help you find a tranquil state of mind. Consider affirmations like “I am present,” “I love and appreciate myself,” or “Tomorrow I will be stronger.”
  3. Exhale and let go. As you exhale smile as you release these powerful words. It seals this breathing exercise as a positive moment that can help inspire you throughout the day.
  4. Repeat and end with love. Repeat this process three or more times. And end your affirmation session on a positive note. Reflect on a positive memory, listen to a relaxing or motivating song, or treat yourself to a warm and relaxing cup or tea.
  5. Make this your new routine. Do this simple healing practice one or more times a day as part of your daily routine. These positive affirmations are a great way to begin the day or it’s a great way to relax and calm down at the end of the day.

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