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6 Female App Developers

Every day men and women use apps to make their lives a little easier. Unfortunately, while the consumer base is diverse the development field is often not. According to one particular study, only six percent of app developers are women. Diversity in the app building world helps foster new ideas that can benefit both the developers and the consumers. Do you want to download a great app and support female app developers at the same time?

Listed below are just a few helpful suggestions of female app developers

An app for friendship by Olivia June Poole and Jen Aprahamian

A great group of friends can make even the most stressful life more enjoyable. Unfortunately, marriages, job relocations, and other life circumstances can sometimes separate us from our friendship groups. Making new friends gets harder as we get older, but that’s where the Hey! VINA app comes in. Created by Poole and Aprahamian, Hey! VINA is similar to “swipe dating” apps, but instead of romantic matches, women are able to find new platonic friends. Besides making new friends, you can also read articles and take fun quizzes. 

An app for love by Whitney Wolfe

 With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, millions of people are turning to dating sites and apps to find love. These cyber connects don’t always feel safe for women—harassment is not uncommon. Wolfe, the co-founder of the popular dating app called Tinder, helped create a new dating app that puts women in the driver’s seat. The app is called Bumble. With this app, women are the ones who make the first move and matches disappear if the other person doesn’t respond in 24 hours. 

Apps for informed shopping by Amy-Willard Cross

 An informed shopper is a smart shopper. With the Buy Up Index app, you can make “purchasing decisions based on a company’s demonstrated commitment to gender equality.” The app was created by Cross and it uses a four-point methodology to rate companies. The rating is based on women employees, women’s leadership, corporate citizenship, and marketing. A-rated companies even offer coupons and free samples through the app. 

An app for future developers by Jocelyn Leavitt and Samantha John

 There are many organizations and programs that are encouraging young girls to consider a career in STEM fields. Leavitt and John have created an app to further encourage young developers. The app is called Hopscotch. With this app, kids can learn basic coding concepts and make their own games. They can also publish their games and get others to play as well. It’s a fun way to inspire all kids, boys and girls, to code from a young age.

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