Prepare an Emergency Kit
Are you prepared for a disaster? Having a plan and organizing emergency drills is a great start, but it’s not enough. You need an emergency […]
Mindfulness practices both strengthen and enrich your family relationships. They also help to increase everyone’s mental and physical health while deepening connections. Eating, playing, working and sharing life’s challenges are all part of life’s precious journey together and help create a Mindful Family®. They say you can’t choose your family and while that may be true, you can do everything in your power to make it the best family it can be. Full of helpful, thoughtful and mindful tips, these articles are meant to help strengthen your family as a whole.
Are you prepared for a disaster? Having a plan and organizing emergency drills is a great start, but it’s not enough. You need an emergency […]
Teen stress can have adverse effects on their future. Their stress is very different than adult stress. Teen stress in similar to adult stress as […]
Are you suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome? It is the time of year for Empty Nest Syndrome. Your children have left their home nest and […]
It’s the time of year where the kids headed off to college. You might be the parents of children that got married or moved away […]
The day kids have been dreading all summer is quickly approaching. There are 79 million American students, from pre-school to college, returning to school this […]
For many parents, who are tightening their wallets and spending less, back-to-school chaos is also a time of overwhelming confusion, depression and anxiety. American families […]
Studies continue to show that family meals lead to fewer mental and physical health problems, fewer behavioral problems and greater academic success for our children. […]
According to a recent study, there is a rising number of breadwinning moms compared to the numbers 50 years ago. While this is impressive it […]
Show me any two people who have fun together frequently and I’ll show you a good relationship. People who have regular fun together like each […]
Since the 1999 Columbine massacre, schools across the country have tightened and updated their security plans to prevent school shootings. Yet, this recent Sandy Hook […]