Play Rewires Your Brain

Playing isn’t just for kids anymore. Emerging research tells us about the many benefits of play which help reduce stress and depression, help reduce the […]

Take Off Your Shoes

The soles of your feet have over 20,000 nerve endings. There are more nerve endings in your feet than any comparable size on your body. […]

Creating Outer Space

May is National Meditation Month. Many people I talk with daily say they want to begin a meditation practice but always have a myriad of […]

Tips for Combating Adrenal Fatigue

Do you find yourself chronically fatigued? Perhaps tired during the day and relying on caffeine to keep going? Our society is so go-go-go that scores […]

Blueberries to the Rescue!

July is Blueberry Month Blueberries are one of the most nutritional foods you can eat and they are great stress busters. Blueberries have potent antioxidants. […]

Go Barefoot

Relax your mind, body, and soul by going barefoot. Experience different textures on your bare feet. Carpet may be soft, nurturing, and inviting while stone […]

Stress Reduction

Research tells us the following practices create health in our mind-body connection and help with stress reduction. Breathe This is the foundation to de-stress and […]

A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Why is a hug the best medicine? University of North Carolina researchers studied the effects of hugs on our health. The team studied partners as […]