Are you planning to go camping with the family? Hang around the pool with some old friends? Or relax in your backyard? If so, there are some new gadgets and gizmos that you might be interested in this summer.
These new summer gadgets and gizmos tools will make any summer activity fun
- For your yard. Is your lawn growing unruly? You can give it a trim while escaping the summer heat with Kyodo America’s LawnBott. With a push of a button, this little automatic robot will cut your grass without any further assistance from you. In the meantime, stay cool on the patio with an outdoor misting system. The device fastens to a hose, hangs from your umbrella and provides you with a cool mist of water.
- For the beach. The next time you consider going to the beach try Hi-Fun’s Hi-Sun beach towel. It’s a beach towel that doubles as a pillow and has built-in speakers so you can listen to music while lying in the sand. Plan on doing some scuba diving and taking some pictures? Forget waterproof cameras and try a camera mask instead.
- For the pool. Want to swim laps in the pool, but still listen to your favorite music? Well, give the Finis SwiMP3 a try. It’s a waterproof MP3 player that attaches to swimming goggles and transmit sounds through “bone conduction audio transmission.” If you’re in the mood for reading by the pool try a waterproof e-reader case. It’ll protect your device and give you peace of mind.
- For camping trips. There’s no better way to enjoy nature than camping. If you’re tired of slumbering in a sleeping bag, consider Kammock’s Roos. They’re portable, lightweight hammocks made of fabric. So you can sleep in a tree while camping. If you need extra light at night consider a solar LED light cap that can turn a water bottle into a lantern.
- For your picnics. Plan on eating barbeque at your next picnic? You don’t have to grill at home. Instead, try a portable device like a travel gas grill so you can cook onsite. And, to sample a picnic treat in flash, why not invest in a set of pocket cutlery?