Are your kids experiencing summer brain drain? If so, educational vacations may be the cure. On average, students lose 2.6 months’ worth of knowledge during the summer (a majority of the loss information is mathematical computation skills). In fact, teachers usually have to spend four to six weeks going over old materials. Fortunately, parents can prevent this. With educational vacations, the entire family can learn something new, create memories and your children will have great stories to share when school starts again.
If you have the opportunity, talk with your children’s teachers before summer break begins. Ask them what lessons your children will be learning in the next school year. You can use this information to help plan a vacation. It’ll give your kids a head start for next year.
If you’re unable to talk with their future instructors, try the educational vacations listed below.
4 Educational Vacations Ideas
- Geography vacations. Why not check out a few natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, the Everglades, the Great Smokey Mountains, or Yellowstone National Park.
- History vacations. There are some historical sites that every child in America should see. Why not visit one or two during the summer like the Liberty Bell at Independence Hall in Philadelphia?
- Literature vacations. Go beyond trips to the library by visiting the homes of famous authors. Consider the Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta or the Mark Twain House & Museum and Harriet Beecher Stowe House in Hartford, Connecticut.
- Science vacations. Visiting local aquariums, planetariums, and zoos make great science trips. If you’re looking for a unique and interactive scientific experience consider visiting Boston’s Museum of Science or San Francisco’s Exploratorium.
Already have a vacation location picked out? No problem! Turn any vacation into an educational opportunity with the tips listed below.
Educational Vacation Activities
- History. Plan on visiting a new town or state? Before the trip, have your kids do research. Does the location have any historical significance? Did an important historical figure once live there?
- Writing. While you’re on vacation consider letting your kids write postcards to friends and relatives. They’ll be practicing their writing skills and their grandparents will get a kick out of it.
- Math. Planning a road trip? Have your kids calculate how many miles you’ll be traveling, how much gas you’ll need and how many times you should stop for gas.